Literature Review: Health Financing Law and Policy in Indonesia
Law, Policy, Health FinancingAbstract
The healthcare system in Indonesia faces various complex challenges that need to be addressed. This literature review examines scholarly articles highlighting crucial issues such as the implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN), medical ethics and law, and healthcare access in correctional facilities. Several key findings indicate that challenges related to card activation, referral systems, and JKN service flow require evaluation and improvement. The application of patient autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice principles is essential in medical decision-making. The health rights of prisoners must be guaranteed by providing adequate facilities and policies. The removal of mandatory spending raises concerns about healthcare access for vulnerable groups, while telemedicine requires clear regulations to ensure its safety and effectiveness. Collaborative efforts are needed to improve the healthcare system in Indonesia, including the evaluation of JKN, strengthening infrastructure, enforcing ethics and laws, and raising public awareness. The development of digital technology needs to be balanced with adequate regulations.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Juang Rambe, Muhammad Azhali Siregar , Danioko S. Sembiring
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