Work Ethics, Work Stress, Workload, Work SatisfactionAbstract
This research aims to test and analyze the influence of work ethics and work stress on work satisfaction and test and analyze the influence of work ethics and work stress on employee performance through Workload. This research was conducted at the JW Mariot Hotel Medan. The sample used in this study was 70 respondents. This study was analyzed using SMART PLS. From the results of the study, it was found that work ethics had a positive and significant effect on Workload at JW Mariot Medan. Work Stress has a positive and significant effect on Workload at JW Mariot Medan. Workload a positive and significant effect on work satisfaction at JW Mariot Medan. Work ethics have a positive and significant effect on Workload at JW Mariot Medan. Work Stress has a positive and significant effect on Workload at JW Mariot Medan.Work ethics has a positive and significant effect on work satisfaction at JW Mariot Medan which is mediated by Workload . Work stress has a positive and significant effect on Work satisfaction at JW Mariot Medan which is mediated by Workload
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