
Dr. Andi Hakim Lubis, S.H., M.H. | Law Studies Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Medan
Area, Indonesia.

Dr. Syaiful Asmi Hasibuan, S.H., M.H. | Law Studies Program, Faculty of Social Sciences,
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Indonesia.

Dr. Rafiqi, S.H., MM., M.Kn. | Law Studies Program, Faculty of Law, Universitas Medan Area,

Indri Meiliawati, S.H., M.KN. | Law Program, Faculty of Law and Education, Universitas
Putra Abadi Langkat, Indonesia.

Sri Windani, S.H., M.H. | Law Program, Faculty of Law and Education, Universitas Putra
Abadi Langkat, Indonesia.