Author Fees

To maintain the quality and integrity of the Law Sinergy Conference Proceeding, authors are required to pay a publication fee once their manuscript is accepted for review. Below is a detailed explanation of the fee structure and payment process:

Fee Structure

  • Publication Fee: The fee for publication in the Law Sinergy Conference Proceeding is IDR 750,000. This fee covers part of the costs associated with the editorial process, peer review, manuscript handling, and online hosting and archiving. It ensures that your work reaches a wide audience and contributes to the global exchange of knowledge in the field of law.

Payment Process

  1. Confirmation of Submission: Once your manuscript has been successfully submitted and passed the initial screening, you will receive a confirmation email or message via WhatsApp. This confirmation will include the necessary details for the next steps in the publication process.

  2. Invoice and Payment Details: Along with the confirmation of submission, an invoice containing the bank account details for the payment of the publication fee will be provided. Please ensure that the payment is made to the correct account to avoid any discrepancies.

  3. Proof of Payment Submission: After completing the payment, authors are required to submit proof of payment. This can be done by emailing a copy of the transfer receipt to the designated contact email or by sending it through WhatsApp. Ensure that the proof of payment clearly shows the transfer amount, date, and your manuscript ID or title for easy verification.

  4. Payment Confirmation: Upon receipt of the proof of payment, our finance team will verify the transaction and confirm the payment. This confirmation is crucial as it officially enrolls your manuscript into the review process.

Important Notes

  • Deadline for Payment: The publication fee must be paid within 7 days after receiving the invoice. Delay in payment may result in delays in the manuscript review and publication process.
  • Refund Policy: Please note that the publication fee is non-refundable once the review process has commenced, as resources and time have been allocated to handle the manuscript.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in fulfilling these financial obligations, which support the sustainability and quality of the publication. By paying the publication fee, you contribute directly to the dissemination of scholarly work in the field of law. Thank you for choosing to publish with Law Sinergy Conference Proceeding.