Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against Cybercrime in Indonesia Study on Hacking Crimes and the Role of the ITE Law


  • Wildan Fahriza Panca Budi Development University
  • Muhammad Arif Sahlepi Panca Budi Development University
  • Rahmayanti Panca Budi Development University


Hacking crime, ITE Law, cyber crime


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of law enforcement against hacking crimes in Indonesia, focusing on the role of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (UU ITE). Cybercrime, especially hacking, has grown rapidly along with technological advances, but law enforcement against this crime still faces various challenges. Through a normative legal approach, this study evaluates the implementation of the ITE Law in handling hacking cases, and identifies major obstacles such as limited technical competence of law enforcement officers, jurisdictional limitations, and lack of international cooperation. The results of the study indicate that although the ITE Law provides a sufficient legal basis, regulatory updates are still needed to be more responsive to technological developments. In addition, increasing the capacity of law enforcement officers and strengthening international cooperation are considered important to deal with cross-border hacking crimes. This study recommends strategic steps, including technical training, regulatory revisions, and increased protection of personal data, to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Wildan Fahriza, Muhammad Arif Sahlepi, & Rahmayanti, R. (2024). Effectiveness of Law Enforcement against Cybercrime in Indonesia Study on Hacking Crimes and the Role of the ITE Law. Law Sinergy Conference Proceeding, 1(1), 179–185. Retrieved from https://conference.sinergilp.com/index.php/lsc/article/view/25

Conference Proceedings Volume



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