Law Sinergy Conference
Virtual Conference
Law Sinergy Conference International Forum on Research in Education, Social Sciences, Technology, and Humanities
The International Forum on Research in Education, Social Sciences, Technology, and Humanities, now known as the Society Synergy Conference, is an annual international conference. This conference is designed to accelerate the advancement of science and technological innovation as well as the use of technology in supporting pedagogical and humanities processes. Society Synergy Conference is considered one of the largest conferences in Southeast Asia and has proven successful in inviting leading researchers, scholars, and lecturers from around the world to present a variety of topics. The purpose of the Society Synergy Conference is to exchange and share ideas and research findings between speakers and audiences. Additionally, it serves as an open forum to discuss current trends, innovations, challenges faced, and solutions implemented in the fields of science, education, and technology.
Indri Meiliawati, S.H.,M.Kn
Sri Windani, S.H., M.H
Talita Syamantha, S.H., M.H
Rizky Ayu, S.H., M.H
Dicky Hardian, S.H.,M.Kn
Dr.Rafiqi,SH,MM,M.KnConference Title : Law Sinergy Conference Initials : LSC Frequency : Every years E-ISSN : 3048-3530 DOI Prefix : Editor in Chief : Rizky Ayu Publisher : PT. Sinergi Legal Publisher -
International Synergy Symposium: Research Synergy in Education, Social Sciences, Technology, and Humanities
The International Synergy Symposium: Research Synergy in Education, Social Sciences, Technology, and Humanities is a multidisciplinary conference that combines expertise and research from various disciplines to address contemporary global challenges. This symposium aims to bring together academics, researchers, and practitioners from the fields of Law, Management, Accounting, Economics, Taxation, Computer Systems, Electrical Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Agrotechnology, Livestock, Information Technology, Islamic Education, Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Philosophy, as well as Diploma and Postgraduate programs such as Computer Engineering, Master of Law, Master of Management, Master of Economics, Master of Regional and City Planning, Master of Legal Studies, Master of Accounting, and Master of Information Technology.
Conference Title : International Synergy Symposium Initials : ISS Frequency : E-ISSN : DOI Prefix : Editor in Chief : Publisher : PT. Sinergi Legal Publisher