Challenges and Compliance in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: A Case Study at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in Review of Indonesian Health Regulations


  • Arya Tjipta Prananda Panca Budi Development University
  • Fitri Rafianti Panca Budi Development University
  • Bambang Fitrianto Panca Budi Development University


Reconstructive surgery, aesthetic surgery, malpractice


This study analyzes the challenges and compliance in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery practices at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan based on Law Number 17 of 2023 concerning Health. The main focus of this study is medical consent (informed consent), professional standards, and the risk of malpractice faced by medical personnel. Article 293 of the Health Law regulates the obligation to obtain valid consent from patients before performing medical procedures, while Article 440 provides sanctions for medical personnel who are proven to have committed malpractice. In aesthetic surgery practices, patient expectations are often unrealistic, so medical consent and providing adequate information are essential to protect patient rights. This study found that compliance with health regulations and professional ethical standards is key to reducing the risk of malpractice and future lawsuits.


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How to Cite

Arya Tjipta Prananda, Fitri Rafianti, & Bambang Fitrianto. (2024). Challenges and Compliance in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: A Case Study at H. Adam Malik General Hospital Medan in Review of Indonesian Health Regulations. Law Sinergy Conference Proceeding, 1(1), 193–200. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

